Hi, My name is Sina and I’m the blogger behind Vegan Heaven. I do all the recipe development, photography, and writing over here. Thanks so much for stopping by!
I’ve been vegan since 2012 and I really fell in love with plant-based food since then. I started this blog in late 2014 to share my experiences and recipes when I was still fairly new to the vegan lifestyle.
Since then, Vegan Heaven has grown a lot. I’m a trained high school teacher, but Vegan Heaven is now my full-time job and I couldn’t imagine having it any other way.
As a mom of young twin boys, I love to create and share delicious plant-based food that the whole family loves!
What Kind of Recipes Will I Find Here?
All of the recipes you will find on my blog are vegan. I try to use easy-to-find and affordable ingredients, so everyone can make my recipes.
You will find a great variety of vegan dinner recipes that are perfect for busy weeknights. Most of the recipes on Vegan Heaven are savory lunch and dinner recipes.
But you will also come across delicious vegan breakfast and vegan dessert recipes here and there.
My recipes aren’t only addressed to vegetarians and vegans, but also to people who would like to include more plant-based meals into their diet.
As we all know, life can sometimes be pretty hectic, especially during the week, so I constantly try to share lots of healthy meals which are ready to eat in about 30 minutes or even less.
Check out some of my most popular recipes:
- Cauliflower Buffalo Wings
- Cauliflower Hot Wings
- Vegan Burrito
- Vegetable Potato Fritters
- Lemon Spaghetti with Spinach
- Roasted Chickpeas
- Pineapple Fried Rice
- Rice Paper Rolls with Mango and Mint
What Else Do You Find on Vegan Heaven?
Vegan Roundups
Besides my own vegan recipes, you can find a great collection of vegan roundups featuring the best recipes from Vegan Heaven and other vegan blogs. They’re a great resource to find vegan recipes for any occasion!
Here are the most popular roundups:
- 18 Delicious Vegan Sandwiches
- 40 Easy Vegan Lunch Ideas
- 19 Drool-Worthy Vegan Pizza Recipes
- 31 Delicious Vegan Pasta Recipes
- 35 Easy Vegan Weeknight Dinners
Tips for Becoming and Being Vegan
Are you planning on going vegan or do you want to learn more about veganism? Then this category is the perfect place for you! You will find interesting facts about veganism, easy vegan recipes to start your vegan journey, and all you need to know about how to go vegan!
Here you will also find general cooking tips that will make your life easier!
Check out these posts:
- How to Find Vegan Food Nearby – 6 Easy Ways
- Vegan Diet – Everything You Need to Know About Becoming Vegan!
- Vegan Gifts – 17 Cool Ideas
- Vegan Restaurants – The Vegan Friendliest Cities
Get in Touch
I always love hearing from you. Feel free to shoot me an email at Sina (at) veganheaven.org!
You could also reach me on Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest. Let’s connect!
Rodney Robinson
Hi Sina
Just looking for advice to take on this challenge for example where do get the vitamin B12 from
jennifer taylor
thank you for sharing your enthusiasm, and your wonderful recipes with us!
Hallo Sina,
wahnsinnig inspirierende Seite! Ich bin auf der Suche nach veganen Plätzchenrezepten und wollte fragen, ob du da auch schon Erfahrung gesammelt hast in diesem Bereich? Ich versuche vegan zu leben, merke aber gerade, dass Weihnachten ohne Plätzchen zum Challenge werden könnte :).
Liebe Grüße
Hallo liebe Lena,
das freut mich total! :-) Toll, dass du versuchst vegan zu leben! Mach dir keine Sorgen, vegane Plätzchenrezepte sind viel einfacher als oft gedacht. Hier ist ein Beitrag mit 25 leckeren Weihnachtsplätzchen – natürlich alle vegan: https://veganheaven.org/all-recipes/25-amazing-vegan-christmas-cookies/ Zimtsterne mag ich auch immer sehr gerne und die klappen auch super in der veganen Variante: https://veganheaven.org/recipe/vegan-orange-cinnamon-christmas-cookies/ Auf meinem deutschen Blog habe ich auch noch ein Rezept für einen veganen Stollen: https://veganheaven.de/Rezepte/veganer-stollen-mit-marzipan/ Vielleicht wäre das ja auch was für die Weihnachtszeit?
Melde dich gerne, wenn du Fragen zu den Rezepten hast oder ich dir weiterhelfen kann. :-)
Liebe Grüße
Marie Townsend
Be happy for yourself and husband that you live the vegan life style at an early age. I became vegan 8 years ago and before that I was a vegetarian for several years. I believe it’s never too late as I’m 68 and have more energy then most people my age. You recipes are wonderful, easy and also easy on the pocket book. Keep up the good work.
Hi Marie,
Thanks so much for your lovely comment! :-) It’s so great that you became vegan at 60. And you’re totally right, it’s never too late to change your lifestyle and become healthier. I also got much more energy since I’ve changed from vegetarian to vegan. And I had severe skin problems before and they got so much better.
I hope you enjoy my recipes. :-) Let me know if you got any questions concerning the recipes or need any help with them.
Jasmin - veeatcookbake
Him Sina,
I really love your blog. It is so amazing. When I have more time I totally go through your recipes. They are looking so yummy :)
I am a New food blogger and it really fantastic what you created here. Maybe I get an great, good looking blog too ?
Have a nice day.
Hi Sina
“I mean we were proud when we managed to make pasta with store-bought tomato sauce. No, I’m exaggerating, but you get the idea. ;-)”
Some people can’t even manage that. It might be a slight exaggeration to say that my Sister can burn water but she definitely nearly did poison the whole family one year by reheating soup someone else had made for her. Fortunately, she smelt that it was rather ‘off’ before anyone ate any. For myself, I started my ‘cooking’ with dehydrated ‘Vesta’ meals and have slowly progressed from there. Like you, I started my blog as a means of collecting all my recipes from various sources together. Unlike you, I don’t make many original meals even now so the site is rather sparse.
Mads Broholm Pedersen
Hi Sina
Im currently writting a blog on how to eat less meat, for Aalborg municipality. In this blog i mention your recipe for Green monster veggie burger (i link it and i translate it to Danish), and i was wondering if it would be okay to use the picture of the monster veggie burger in the blog.
I dont want to get into any copyright issues, and i dont claim to have made the recipe, but i mention it because it made the transition from omnivore to herbivore a lot easier for me personally.
Best regards Mads Broholm Pedersen
Hi Sina!
I was wondering, are you always erase comments what criticize your recipes? What’s a point to have a blog if you can’t deal with comments like that?
Hi Julija,
What makes you think I’m erasing comments? As I’m getting a lot of spammy comments (this means comments from bots not actual people), I’ve to approve each comment manually and sometimes this can take a bit longer than a couple of hours. I just replied to your first comment. :-)
Hi Sina,
I just found your blog via the Herbal Academy. I love what I see. Amazing photos and delicious recipes. Can’t wait to explore your website further!
Michael Nacke
Hallo Sina,
mir gefällt Deine Blog-Webseite mit den vielen veganen Rezepten sehr. Ich bin quasi ein “Vegan-Starter” und gerade dabei, mich so ein bißchen zu orientieren.
( Hello Sina, I like your blog with all these nice vegan recipes. I´m a vegan starter and have begun to look for me to start a vegan lifestile. )
Heather Kennedy
Our team was on your site today and we’re very interested in pursuing an advertising partnership with you.
Are you free for a phone call sometime this week?
Heather Kennedy
I just came across your blog and I am amazed to see the collection of recipes you have. Also, I read your story and its truly inspiring. I am not vegan, but I am trying to incorporate more plant based food in to my daily intakes. I will surely visit your blog again.
Best wishes !
A Sri Lankan food blog
So great to hear that you like it, Rasakama! :-) I just checked out your blog as well and you got so many great recipes! Yummy! I think I really need to try your bell pepper curry soon. ;-)
Michal Coombs
hop on the plant-based food wagon! meatlessmain.com
Hey Sina , I just came across your blog and I think you are very inspirational especially for young woman like me. :) I wanted to ask you something as I am struggling with ad networks. What ad networks are you currently using? Do you think they are good? I am happy for any advice.
Kind wishes,
Hey Lara,
Thanks so much for your comment and your kind words. :-) Unfortunately, I can’t really help you with this. I just started joining ad networks myself. Just two days ago, I applied for gourmet ads. What about you? Have you joined any networks yet?
Best, Sina
Thanks so much Sina! I was thinking about joining blogher, but not sure yet. Have you heard about it? Also i am considering Google adsense. Please tell me about your experience with gourmet ads once the whole thing is going. Have a great day,
Bean Balls! :)